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Top level | organum Short Extended |
Level 2 | organum cum cavitam Short Extended |
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FMA:62955 | |
FMA:61775 | |
FMA:67165 | |
FMA:305751 | |
FMA:67135 | |
FMA:67498 | |
FMA:55671 | |
FMA:55672 |
organum cum cavitam
Taxonomic list |
FMAID | TA | UID | Pair |
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
55672 | 10399 |
organum cum cavitam
organ with cavity
7131 | 2509 | part |
oesophagus ▲
7148 | 2526 | part |
7200 | 2559 | part |
intestinum tenue
small intestine
14542 | 2608 | part |
appendix vermiformis
vermiform appendix ; appendix
15703 | 2645 | part |
canalis analis
anal canal
7202 | 2727 | part |
vesica biliaris ; vesica fellea
7201 | 2594 | part |
intestinum crassum
large intestine
18245 | 3163 | part |
tuba uterina ♀ ; salpinx ♀
uterine tube ♀
15900 | 3111 | part |
vesica urinaria
urinary bladder
9704 | 3104↓ | part |
19949 | 3209 | part |
vagina ♀
vagina ♀
9705 | 7234 | part |
tuba auditiva; tuba auditoria
auditory tube ; pharyngotympanic tube
55677 | 13219 |
organum cavum arboriale T3 13 children
hollow tree organ
3710 | 13221 |
organum cavum vasculosum
vascular hollow organ
312602 | 13222 |
organum cavum sanguineum
blood vessel tree organ
45840 | 3725 | part |
systema arteriosum
arterial system
14284 | 4418 | part |
systema venosum
venous system
49907 | 15574 |
systema venosum pulmonale
pulmonary venous system
49908 | 15575 |
systema venosum pulmonale superius
superior pulmonary venous system
49914 | 4437 | part |
vena pulmonalis superior dextra
right superior pulmonary vein
49916 | 4460 | part |
vena pulmonalis superior sinistra
left superior pulmonary vein
49910 | 15576 |
systema venosum pulmonale inferius
inferior pulmonary venous system
49911 | 4450 | part |
vena pulmonalis inferior dextra
right inferior pulmonary vein
49913 | 4470 | part |
vena pulmonalis inferior sinistra
left inferior pulmonary vein
5024 | 16468 |
organum cavum lymphaticum
lymphatic tree organ
7393 | 16136 |
arbor tracheobronchialis
tracheobronchial tree
12513 | 6881 | part |
globus oculi
9257 |
9689 | 13353 |
saccus serosus
serous pouch
20291 | 7083 | part |
saccus conjunctivus tunicae conjunctivae
conjunctival pouch of conjunctiva
66760 | 15056 |
saccus synovialis
synovial pouch
9692 | 15111 |
bursa synovialis T3 138 children
synovial bursa
32426 | 15112 |
bursa subcutanea
subcutaneous bursa
43581 | 2226 | part |
bursa subcutanea trochanterica
subcutaneous trochanteric bursa
45198 | 2238 | part |
bursa subcutanea prepatellaris
subcutaneous prepatellar bursa
43791 | 2242 | part |
bursa subcutanea infrapatellaris
subcutaneous infrapatellar bursa
45036 | 2244 | part |
bursa subcutanea tuberositatis tibiae
subcutaneous bursa of tibial tuberosity
45039 | 2252 | part |
bursa subcutanea malleoli lateralis
subcutaneous bursa of lateral malleolus
45042 | 2253 | part |
bursa subcutanea malleoli medialis
subcutaneous bursa of medial malleolus
45045 | 2255 | part |
bursa subcutanea calcanea
subcutaneous calcaneal bursa
76877 | 2186 | part |
bursa subcutanea prominentis laryngeae
subcutaneous bursa of laryngeal prominence
32427 | 15113 |
bursa subtendinea
subtendinous bursa
45021 | 2232 | part |
bursa subtendinea musculi obturati interni
subtendinous bursa of internal obturator muscle
45022 | 2236 | part |
bursa subtendinea iliaca
subtendineous bursa of iliac muscle
45051 | 2240 | part |
(bursa subtendinea prepatellaris )
(subtendinous prepatellar bursa)
45027 | 2245 | part |
bursa subtendinea musculi sartorii
subtendinous bursa of sartorius muscle
45030 | 2247 | part |
bursa subtendinea inferior musculi bicipitis femoris
inferior subtendinous bursa of biceps muscle of thigh
45054 | 2249 | part |
bursa subtendinea capitis lateralis musculi gastrocnemii
subtendinous bursa of lateral head of gastrocnemius muscle
45057 | 2250 | part |
bursa subtendinea capitis medialis musculi gastrocnemii
subtendinous bursa of medial head of gastrocnemius muscle
45033 | 2254 | part |
bursa subtendinea musculi tibialis anterioris
subtendinous bursa of anterior tibial muscle
321553 | 2225 | part |
bursa membri inferioris
bursa of lower limb
45195 | 2237 | part |
bursa superior musculi bicipitis femoris
superior bursa of biceps muscle of thigh
43794 | 2243 | part |
bursa infrapatellaris profunda
deep infrapatellar bursa
2189 | part |
bursa membri superioris
bursa of upper limb
45063 | 2227 | part |
bursa trochanterica musculi glutei maximi
trochanteric bursa of superficial gluteal muscle
45072 | 2228 | part |
bursa trochanterica musculi glutei medii
trochanteric bursa of intermediate gluteal muscle
45066 | 2229 | part |
bursa trochanterica musculi glutei minimi
trochanteric bursa of deep gluteal muscle
45078 | 2231 | part |
bursa ischiadica musculi obturati interni
ischial bursa of internal obturator muscle
45061 | 2233 | part |
bursae intermusculares musculorum gluteorum
intermuscular gluteal bursae
45075 | 2234 | part |
bursa ischiadica musculi glutei maximi
ischial bursa of superficial gluteal muscle
75385 | 2235 | part |
(bursa iliopectinea )
(iliopectineal bursa )
45048 | 2239 | part |
(bursa subfascialis prepatellaris )
(prepatellar subfascial bursa )
45201 | 2246 | part |
bursa anserina
anserine bursa
45084 | 2256 | part |
bursa tendinis calcanei
bursa of calcaneal tendon ; bursa of calcaneal tendon; retrocalcaneal bursa
45069 | 2230 | part |
bursa musculi piriformis
bursa of piriform muscle
76876 | 2185 | part |
bursa musculi tensoris veli palati
bursa of tensor muscle of soft palate
75391 | 2187 | part |
bursa infrahyoidea
infrahyoid bursa
76878 | 2188 | part |
bursa retrohyoidea
retrohyoid bursa
5035 | 2193 | part |
bursa subdeltoidea
subdeltoid bursa
36948 | 2190 | part |
bursa subtendinea musculi trapezii
subtendinous bursa of trapezius muscle
34990 | 2191 | part |
(bursa subcutanea acromialis )
(acromial subcutaneous bursa )
35515 | 2192 | part |
bursa subacromialis
subacromial bursa
37026 | 2194 | part |
(bursa musculi coracobrachialis )
(bursa of coracobrachial muscle )
35518 | 2195 | part |
bursa subtendinea musculi infraspinati
subtendinous bursa of infraspinous muscle
35027 | 2196 | part |
bursa subtendinea musculi subscapularis
subtendinous bursa of subscapular muscle
36921 | 2197 | part |
bursa subtendinea musculi teretis majoris
subtendinous bursa of teres major muscle
36924 | 2198 | part |
bursa subtendinea musculi latissimi dorsi
subtendinous bursa of broadest muscle of back
42265 | 2199 | part |
bursa subcutanea olecrani
subcutaneous bursa of olecranon
76879 | 2200 | part |
(bursa intratendinea olecrani )
(intratendinous bursa of olecranon )
37761 | 2201 | part |
bursa subtendinea musculi tricipitis brachii
subtendinous bursa of triceps muscle of arm
42281 | 2202 | part |
bursa bicipitoradialis
bicipitoradial bursa
75261 | 2203 | part |
(bursa cubitalis interossea )
(interosseous cubital bursa )
256694 | 15118 |
articulatio synovialis articulationis
synovial joint of joint
45087 | 15338 |
vagina tendinea synovialis T3 96 children
synovial tendinous vagina
40857 | 15339 |
vagina tendinea synovialis manus
synovial tendinous vagina of hand
40854 | 2208 | part |
vagina tendinea musculi flexoris longi pollicis
tendinous sheath of long flexor muscle of thumb
40855 | 2209 | part |
vagina tendinea musculi flexoris carpi radialis
tendinous sheath of radial flexor muscle of wrist
40856 | 2210 | part |
vagina communis tendinum musculorum flexorum
common flexor sheath
2212 | part |
vagina tendinis pollicis communis
common tendinous sheath of thumb
42193 | 15296 | part |
pars tendinis musculi abductoris pollicis longi
part of tendon of long abductor muscle of thumb
40865 | 15297 | part |
pars tendinis musculi extensoris pollicis brevis
part of tendon of short extensor muscle of thumb
40864 | 2213 | part |
vagina tendinea musculi extensoris carpi radialis
tendinous sheath of extensores carpi radiales muscles
40865 | 2214 | part |
vagina tendinea musculi extensoris pollicis longi
tendinous sheath of extensor longus pollicis
42196 | 2215 | part |
vagina tendinea musculi extensoris digitorum manus superficialis
tendinous sheath of extensores digitorum manus muscles
40866 | 2216 | part |
vagina tendinea musculi extensoris digiti minimi
tendinous sheath of extensor digiti minimi
40867 | 2217 | part |
vagina tendinea musculi extensoris carpi ulnaris
tendinous sheath of ulnar extensor muscle of wrist
18108 |
vagina tendinea carpalis
carpal tendinous vagina
18109 |
vagina tendinea carpalis palmaris
palmar carpal tendinous vagina
18110 |
vagina tendinea carpalis dorsalis
dorsal carpal tendinous vagina
45088 | 16523 |
vagina tendinea synovialis pedis
synovial tendinous vagina of foot
45100 | 2259 | part |
vagina tendinum musculi tibialis anterioris
tendinous sheath of anterior tibial muscle
45103 | 2260 | part |
vagina tendinum musculi extensoris hallucis longi
tendinous sheath of long extensor muscle of great toe
45106 | 2261 | part |
vagina tendinum musculi extensoris digitorum longi
tendinous sheath of long extensor muscle of finger of foot
71603 | 2262 | part |
vagina capitum musculi supinatoris tarsalis tibialis
tibial tarsal tendinous sheath
45110 | 2263 | part |
vagina tendinea musculi flexoris digitorum longi
tendinous sheath of long flexor muscle of toes
45113 | 2264 | part |
vagina tendinea musculi tibialis posterioris
tendinous sheath of posterior tibial muscle
45116 | 2265 | part |
vagina tendinis musculi flexoris hallucis longi
sheath of tendon of long flexor muscle of great toe
71604 | 2266 | part |
vagina capitum musculi supinatoris tarsalis fibularis
fibular tarsal tendinous sheath
45120 | 2267 | part |
vagina communis tendinum musculorum fibularium; vagina communis tendinum musculorum peroneorum
common tendinous sheath of fibular muscles; common tendinous sheath of peroneal muscles
45122 | 2268 | part |
vagina tendinea plantaris musculi fibularis longi ; vagina plantaris tendinis musculi peronei longi
plantar tendinous sheath of long fibular muscle; plantar tendinous sheath of long peroneus muscle
71602 | 2258 | part |
vagina capitum musculi supinatoris tarsalis anterior
anterior tarsal tendinous sheath of foot
71600 | 2221 | part |
vagina synovialis digitorum manus
synovial sheath of fingers of hand
42641 | 14499 | part |
vagina synovialis digiti secundi
synovial sheath of index finger
42643 | 14500 | part |
vagina synovialis digiti tertii
synovial sheath of third finger
42644 | 14501 | part |
vagina synovialis digiti quarti
synovial sheath of ring finger
45092 | 14502 | part |
vagina synovialis digiti minimi
synovial sheath of little finger
71605 | 2269 | part |
vagina tendinum digitorum pedis
tendinous sheath of finger of foot
45152 | 17211 | part |
vagina synovialis hallucis
synovial sheath of great toe
45139 | 17212 | part |
vagina synovialis digiti secundi pedis
synovial sheath of second toe
45142 | 17213 | part |
vagina synovialis digiti tertii pedis
synovial sheath of third toe
45145 | 17214 | part |
vagina synovialis digiti quarti pedis
synovial sheath of fourth toe
45148 | 17334 | part |
vagina synovialis digiti quinti pedis
synovial sheath of little toe
323232 | 2204 | part |
vagina tendinea membri superioris
tendinous sheath of upper limb
2257 | part |
vagina tendinum membri inferioris
tendinous sheath of lower limb
61022 | 7304 | part |
labyrinthus membranaceus
membranous labyrinth
231515 | 7800 | part |
saccus leptomeningeus
leptomeningeal pouch
13284 |
ductus lacrimalis
lacrimal duct
13431 |
19668 | 3140 | part |
urethra masculina ♂
male urethra ♂
19669 | 3139 | part |
urethra feminina ♀
female urethra ♀
13432 |
ductus genitalis masculinus ♂
male genital duct ♂
12516 | 15921 | part |
dens T3 98 children
12823 | 2328 | part |
dens incisivus T4 28 children
incisive tooth
321753 | 15961 | part |
dens incisivus inferior ; dens incisivus mandibularis
inferior incisive tooth ; mandibular incisive tooth
55723 | 15962 | part |
dens incisivus inferior primus ; dens incisivus inferior centralis ; dens incisivus mandibularis primus ; dens incisivus mandibularis centralis
first inferior incisive tooth ; central inferior incisive tooth ; first mandibular incisive tooth ; central mandibular incisive tooth
55725 | 15963 | part |
dens incisivus inferior secundus ; dens incisivus inferior lateralis ; dens incisivus mandibularis secundus ; dens incisivus mandibularis lateralis
second inferior incisive tooth ; lateral inferior incisive tooth ; second mandibular incisive tooth ; lateral mandibular incisive tooth
321754 | 15926 | part |
dens incisivus superior ; dens incisivus maxillaris
superior incisive tooth ; maxillary incisive tooth
55722 | 15927 | part |
dens incisivus superior primus ; dens incisivus superior centralis ; dens incisivus maxillaris primus ; dens incisivus maxillaris centralis
first superior incisive tooth ; central superior incisive tooth ; first maxillary incisive tooth ; central maxillary incisive tooth
55724 | 15928 | part |
dens incisivus superior secundus ; dens incisivus superior lateralis ; dens incisivus maxillaris secundus ; dens incisivus maxillaris lateralis
second superior incisive tooth ; lateral superior incisive tooth ; second maxillary incisive tooth ; lateral maxillary incisive tooth
84215 | 15954 | part |
dens incisivus deciduus inferior ; dens incisivus deciduus mandibularis
inferior deciduous incisive tooth ; mandibular deciduous incisive tooth
84218 | 15955 | part |
dens incisivus deciduus inferior primus ; dens incisivus deciduus inferior centralis ; dens incisivus deciduus mandibularis primus ; dens incisivus deciduus mandibularis centralis
first inferior deciduous incisive tooth ; central inferior deciduous incisive tooth ; first mandibular deciduous incisive tooth ; central mandibular deciduous incisive tooth
84219 | 15956 | part |
dens incisivus deciduus inferior secundus ; dens incisivus deciduus inferior lateralis ; dens incisivus deciduus mandibularis secundus ; dens incisivus deciduus mandibularis lateralis
second inferior deciduous incisive tooth ; lateral inferior deciduous incisive tooth ; second mandibular deciduous incisive tooth ; lateral mandibular deciduous incisive tooth
84214 | 15947 | part |
dens incisivus deciduus superior ; dens incisivus deciduus maxillaris
superior deciduous incisive tooth ; maxillary deciduous incisive tooth
84216 | 15948 | part |
dens incisivus deciduus superior primus ; dens incisivus deciduus superior centralis ; dens incisivus deciduus maxillaris primus ; dens incisivus deciduus maxillaris centralis
first superior deciduous incisive tooth ; central superior deciduous incisive tooth ; first maxillary deciduous incisive tooth ; central maxillary deciduous incisive tooth
84217 | 15949 | part |
dens incisivus deciduus superior secundus ; dens incisivus deciduus superior lateralis ; dens incisivus deciduus maxillaris secundus ; dens incisivus deciduus maxillaris lateralis
second superior deciduous incisive tooth ; lateral superior deciduous incisive tooth ; second maxillary deciduous incisive tooth ; lateral maxillary deciduous incisive tooth
55636 | 2329 | part |
dens caninus T4 12 children
canine tooth
55714 | 15964 | part |
dens caninus inferior ; dens caninus mandibularis
inferior canine tooth ; mandibular canine tooth
55715 | 15929 | part |
dens caninus superior ; dens caninus maxillaris
superior canine tooth ; maxillary canine tooth
84228 | 15957 | part |
dens caninus deciduus inferior ; dens caninus deciduus mandibularis
inferior deciduous canine tooth ; mandibular deciduous canine tooth
84229 | 15950 | part |
dens caninus deciduus superior ; dens caninus deciduus maxillaris
superior deciduous canine tooth ; maxillary deciduous canine tooth
55637 | 2330 | part |
dens premolaris T4 14 children
premolar tooth
55717 | 15965 | part |
dens premolaris inferior ; dens premolaris mandibularis
inferior premolar tooth ; mandibular premolar tooth
55803 | 15966 | part |
dens premolaris inferior primus ; dens premolaris mandibularis primus
first inferior premolar tooth ; first mandibular premolar tooth
55804 | 15967 | part |
dens premolaris inferior secundus ; dens premolaris mandibularis secundus
second inferior premolar tooth ; second mandibular premolar tooth
55716 | 15930 | part |
dens premolaris superior ; dens premolaris maxillaris
superior premolar tooth ; maxillary premolar tooth
55801 | 15931 | part |
dens premolaris superior primus ; dens premolaris maxillaris primus
first superior premolar tooth ; first maxillary premolar tooth
55802 | 15932 | part |
dens premolaris superior secundus ; dens premolaris maxillaris secundus
second superior premolar tooth ; second maxillary premolar tooth
55638 | 2331 | part |
dens molaris T4 34 children
molar tooth
290267 | 15968 | part |
dens molaris inferior ; dens molaris mandibularis
inferior molar tooth ; mandibular molar tooth
290275 | 15969 | part |
dens molaris inferior primus ; dens molaris mandibularis primus
first inferior molar tooth ; first mandibular molar tooth
290277 | 15970 | part |
dens molaris inferior secundus ; dens molaris mandibularis secundus
second inferior molar tooth ; second mandibular molar tooth
55817 | 15971 | part |
dens molaris inferior tertius ; dens molaris mandibularis tertius ; dens serotinus inferior; dens sapientiae inferior
third inferior molar tooth ; third mandibular molar tooth ; inferior wisdom tooth
290265 | 15933 | part |
dens molaris superior ; dens molaris maxillaris
superior molar tooth ; maxillary molar tooth
290269 | 15934 | part |
dens molaris superior primus ; dens molaris maxillaris primus
first superior molar tooth ; first maxillary molar tooth
290271 | 15936 | part |
dens molaris superior secundus ; dens molaris maxillaris secundus
second superior molar tooth ; second maxillary molar tooth
55813 | 15937 | part |
dens molaris superior tertius ; dens molaris maxillaris tertius ; dens serotinus superior; dens sapientiae superior
third superior molar tooth ; third maxillary molar tooth ; superior wisdom tooth
84213 | 15958 | part |
dens molaris deciduus inferior ; dens molaris deciduus mandibularis
inferior deciduous molar tooth ; mandibular deciduous molar tooth
84212 | 15959 | part |
dens molaris deciduus inferior primus ; dens molaris deciduus mandibularis primus
first inferior deciduous molar tooth ; first mandibular deciduous molar tooth
84237 | 15960 | part |
dens molaris deciduus inferior secundus ; dens molaris deciduus mandibularis secundus
second inferior deciduous molar tooth ; second mandibular deciduous molar tooth
84210 | 15951 | part |
dens molaris deciduus superior ; dens molaris deciduus maxillaris
superior deciduous molar tooth ; maxillary deciduous molar tooth
84211 | 15952 | part |
dens molaris deciduus superior primus ; dens molaris deciduus maxillaris primus
first superior deciduous molar tooth ; first maxillary deciduous molar tooth
84236 | 15953 | part |
dens molaris deciduus superior secundus ; dens molaris deciduus maxillaris secundus
second superior deciduous molar tooth ; second maxillary deciduous molar tooth
75152 | 2401 | part |
dens permanens
permanent tooth
321647 | 15923 | part |
dens permanens inferior ; dens permanens mandibularis
inferior permanent tooth ; mandibular permanent tooth
321646 | 15922 | part |
dens permanens superior ; dens permanens maxillaris
superior permanent tooth ; maxillary permanent tooth
75151 | 2400 | part |
dens deciduus
deciduous tooth ; primary tooth; temporary tooth
15925 | part |
dens deciduus inferior ; dens deciduus mandibularis
inferior deciduous tooth ; mandibular deciduous tooth
15924 | part |
dens deciduus superior ; dens deciduus maxillaris
superior deciduous tooth ; maxillary deciduous tooth
17558 | 3177 | part |
uterus ♀
uterus ♀
180 items
388 entities
Scientific notes |
Libelle of note
3104 |
The ureter shows three constrictions from Musil et al. (2019) Bosn J Basic Med Sci 19:1-13: 1) Constrictio renalis (isthmus ureteris) between the renal pelvis and the abdominal part of the ureter. 2) Constrictio iliaca, where iliac vessels cross the ureter between the abdominal and pelvic parts of the ureter. 3) Constrictio vesicalis in the intramural part of the ureter, when passing through the wall of the urinary bladder.
Signature |
Type of list | T2F |
List Unit Identifier | 10399 |
Sublist 1 | 13219 organum cavum arboriale 13/14 on 10.6.2024 |
Sublist 2 | 15111 bursa synovialis 138/51 on 31.12.2024 |
Sublist 3 | 15338 vagina tendinea synovialis 96/41 on 31.12.2024 |
Sublist 4 | 15921 dens 98/47 on 31.12.2024 |
Subtotals | subchildren 345 subunits 153 |
Proper children | 42 |
Number of children | 387 (validated) |
Proper units | 27 |
Number of units | 180 (validated) |
Signature | 6054 (validated since 31.12.2024) |
Date: 31.12.2024 |